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Online file translation (by Microsoft)


Presentation of the service

This service consists of translating EuropeSoftwares software files into numerous languages available from our online service based on a credit of characters available for translation.

High Quality Translation (by Microsoft Translator)
  • Remember to consult the forum. Many tips and tricks are given.

    Languages available for translation (111)

    FRA French
    DEU German
    GBR English
    NEE Dutch
    POR Portuguese
    ESP Spanish
    ITA Italian
    POL Polish
    ARA Arabic
    CHI Chinese Simplified
    JAP Japanese
    RUS Russian
    SUE Swedish
    GRE Greek
    COR Korean
    AFR Afrikaans ALB Albanian AMH Amharic ARM Armenian ASS Assamese
    AZE Azerbaijani (Latin) BAN Bangla BAS Bashkir BAQ Basque BOS Bosnian (Latin)
    BUL Bulgarian CAN Cantonese (Traditional) CAT Catalan CHL Chinese (Literary) CHT Chinese Traditional
    CRO Croatian CZE Czech DAN Danish DAR Dari DIV Divehi
    EST Estonian FAR Faroese FIJ Fijian FIL Filipino FIN Finnish
    FRC French (Canada) GAL Galician GEO Georgian GUJ Gujarati HAI Haitian Creole
    HEB Hebrew HIN Hindi HMO Hmong Daw (Latin) HUN Hungarian ICE Icelandic
    IND Indonesian INU Inuinnaqtun ITT Inuktitut ITL Inuktitut (Latin) IRI Irish
    KAN Kannada KAZ Kazakh KHM Khmer KLI Klingon KLP Klingon (plqaD)
    KUR Kurdish (Central) KUN Kurdish (Northern) KYR Kyrgyz (Cyrillic) LAO Lao LAT Latvian
    LIT Lithuanian MAC Macedonian MAL Malagasy MLL Malay (Latin) MAY Malayalam
    MAT Maltese MAO Maori MAR Marathi MOC Mongolian (Cyrillic) MOT Mongolian (Traditional)
    MYA Myanmar NEP Nepali NOR Norwegian ODI Odia PAS Pashto
    PER Persian POB Portuguese (Brazil) PUN Punjabi QUE Queretaro Otomi ROM Romanian
    SAM Samoan (Latin) SEC Serbian (Cyrillic) SEL Serbian (Latin) SLO Slovak SLV Slovenian
    SOA Somali (Arabic) SWA Swahili (Latin) TAH Tahitian TAM Tamil TAT Tatar (Latin)
    TEL Telugu THA Thai TIB Tibetan TIG Tigrinya TON Tongan
    TUR Turkish TUL Turkmen (Latin) UKR Ukrainian UPP Upper Sorbian URD Urdu
    UYG Uyghur (Arabic) UZB Uzbek (Latin VIE Vietnamese WEL Welsh YUC Yucatec Maya
    ZUL Zuluzu
     Warning and Warning
    You are responsible for entering and verifying the data.
    The translation can only be correct on the condition that the text to be translated is written without any fault of vocabulary, grammar or conjugation.
    The translation is done automatically by software. EuropeSoftwares cannot be held responsible for the quality of the translations.
    Only this type of files (TRANSLATIONS_XXX.XML, *.TXT)
    The character credit for the translation is valid for 3 months from the date of purchase!

    Purchase of service(s)

    Commercial  - Promotion code   

    Unit price T.T.C (€) Total price T.T.C (€) Purchase
    (⚠)Paypal Help Process
    Online file translation
    (200 000 Characters)
    Valid for 3 months
    5.99 5.99
    Payment by cheque is not allowed!

    On authorization only
    Online file translation
    (500 000 Characters)
    Valid for 3 months
    11.99 11.99
    Payment by cheque is not allowed!

    On authorization only
    Online file translation
    (1 000 000 Characters)
    Valid for 3 months
    19.99 19.99
    Payment by cheque is not allowed!

    On authorization only

    EuropeSoftwares / Conditions of sale / SIRET 483 833 471 00012 / All rights reserved 2005 - 2024 / FRANCE
